Philosophy & Mindset

We are driven in part through our outlooks, so our perspective and the way we view the world is important. Reciprocally, how we view the world can be representative of what we believe to be achievable. Personally, I believe hope to be one of the most vital components of achieving our goals and living a full life. There’s no doubt that we can achieve what we set our minds to, but we have to have something in mind. Think of our goals & aspirations as boats in a sea. We are the lighthouse on the shore and want to see the boats, but there’s always unexpected stormy weather (unexpected events or everyday challenges). Just because we as the lighthouse can’t see the ships, we know they are there and let that hope guide us. Not oblivious to the torrent of the storms or fog (one’s own hubris and the limits of the natural world ) but understanding that just because what we perceive may look like a dead end, there is deeper water out there that isn’t visible. That being said, we all must find our own ships to dream of and set off for.

Like snowflakes, we’re all individual. Even if we’re all built from the same fabric, every moment of our lives defines us into unique, beautiful people. For a well rounded world, we need that exclusivity. For engineers to make homes we need artists to inspire them, for artists to feel safe they need homes. For both, they need someone to feed them. The cooks that feed them need the food to cook with. The farmers and ranchers need supplies and the suppliers need to make a living. We are all part of this machine & without even the most mundane of positions, our world would crumble. We are special, in our own ways and need to be for the progress & happiness of the world around us as well as ourselves.

While this site provides motivation & practices to do more, be better, and change our lives, it’s important to also recognize that being at rock bottom or whatever stage of life we’re in can be hard. Life is long, and our goals have no deadline or expectation but our own. Its vital to go easy on ourselves when we need to and treat ourselves with dignity & respect. We must love who we are, even when we make mistakes. Embracing our faults and learning to love growing through them. See conflicts as challenges that may give us strength or teach us something. We need to care for ourselves as we would our lover or family. By doing this, we can step outside our egos and prides, looking onto the horizon of what truly matters.

Matsuoka Shuzo Never Give Up

From The YouTube Channel “The Strength M”