This site is about the parts of life and our careers that I believe we can focus on to become healthier, more true versions of ourselves. Life’s a full-time job and self-care should always be a priority. We’re human after all, caring and prioritizing ourselves is important. I believe living a long healthy life is something we all deserve, and should hope to experience.
Inspiring Figures Of The Past
It’s a celebration for humanity to even exist, but some people have accomplished things that many of us couldn’t dream of. From emperor to astronaut, the world has come to see many marvels of humanity. Personally, it will always inspire me to know that others have existed and helped motivate the world to be better than it was, despite the hardships of the times or these individuals personal lives. I think that misery is too often adopted through misguidance and simply not knowing triumph is possible. The aspiration to do better and be more than we currently are has never been more apparent. As Chaplin said in his great dictator speech from 1940, over 83 years ago…
” You, the people have the power – the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. ” – Charlie Chaplin
There are so many aspects of personal development. But in general, the aspects that come to mind when I think about striving for greatness and being the best versions of ourselves are: Training, Diet & Nutrition, Overall Philosophy and Mental Health (in no specific order). We should all strive to improve these facets of ourselves if we want to foster prime Health & Well-Being.
“When the roots run deep enough, there’s no reason to fear the wind.” – African Proverb